Pro Audio Archive

Lang Audio of the 1960s

Download the six-page circa 1965 Lang Specialized Audio Equipment Catalog:

DOWNLOAD: Lang_Audio_Electronics_catalog

Products covered, with photos and text description, include: Lang LRP-1B tape recorder electronics (for Ampex 300 generation machines), LTP-1A tape playback amp, LRA-1C record/playback amp, LMX-4 and LMX-5 broadcast consoles, LMP-1 stereo portable mixer, Record Stereo Mixer, LMX-2 mixer, LPM-2 portable mixer, PEQ-2 and PEQ-3 equalizers, Lang Sync Panel, Disc Recording Equalizer, plus many more accessories.



Lang was known primarily for the various upgrades and support equipment that they manufactured for Ampex tape machines.  As shown above, they also offered solid-state equalizer that appear similar in function to the popular Pultec units of the era.  There are also several models of audio mixers on offer, a few of which were available as early as 1961.

Above: the Lang ‘compact’ mono mixer.  Advert circa 1961.  Looks very similar to my later stereo Gately mixing system , which I spent $250 and several hours on…and i still can’t figure out what the hell i’m gonna use it for.

Above: the Lang Raecord portable stereo (of a sort…) mixer, also introduced circa 1961.    Seems pretty scarce.

4 replies on “Lang Audio of the 1960s”

Lang was to Ampex pro electronics what Hickok and Jetronix were to Tektronix tube oscilloscopes, or Eldico was to the Collins S/Line: a cloner, offering interchangeable less expensive stuff that worked, more or less. Some of it was satisfactory and some of it wasn’t. Ampex and Tektronix were first tier military, space, and comint/sigint vendors and their stuff was high dollar. Others sought to make similar stuff cheaper. It was a business model that worked and it did drive costs down somewhat.

I have a model lap 1B and would like to have specs on that particular model, also I have learned that it is the lower end, but I would like to have something that would tell more about it and what it does or is. Thank you.

Coxsone Dodd had two LMX-2 compact mixers built into his console at Studio One. I have a great photo, but no way to attach it. Great info here, thanks!

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